Terrazzo, popularly known on the islands as “granite”, is a material that was very
fashionable in the 1960s and ‘70s as a floor covering. so much so, that it is hard to find a house of that time without it.
In fact, in many of our grandmothers’ houses, this is still the “floor” that is so easy to clean, that hides stains wonderfully
does not scratch and is hard as a stone. No wonder it was so
successful! Today, however, its popularity has waned and terrazzo is no longer a floor or wall
covering that receives as much praise as it once did. Old-fashioned, ugly, coarse, tacky …
these are just some of the words we hear from our clients when we go to refurbish homes.
All they want to do is to get rid of it; while for us it is a material of infinite aesthetic versatility,
beauty and responsiveness, with a captivating personality which
has been back in fashion for a few years now.

Nowadays, terrazzo has been modernised in terms of performance, format and method
of application. Nowadays we can find it continuous, as a covering for all types of surfaces
countertops, stairs, floors and furniture with an infinite range of colours.

We are big fans, and are therefore committed to training ourselves in its application and to being
a reference company in this attractive material. In July, we attended a training course in Belgium with Bealstone, which was an incredible experience, where we learned a lot thanks to
Beal Internacional. We assure you we will continue to talk about this material,
as there is a lot to tell you about.
For now though, you can be certain it will be present in our next projects and, when you see the results,
you will once again fall in love with this mixture of cement and marble pieces, just as our predecessors did.

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