Daniel Cabrera Curbelo, responsible for this website, makes this document available to Internet users, the purpose of which is to comply with the obligations established in Law 34/2002, of 11 June, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and other applicable regulations, as well as to provide information on the conditions of use.


In compliance with the duty of information regulated in art. 10 LSSICE, we provide below the necessary details of the owner of the website:The company that manages the services and the web domain cantodeljable.com represented by Daniel Cabrera Curbelo with NIF 78550827P, with registered office for these purposes in Culantrillo 28, 35561, Mozaga, telephone 620320143 and email address for contact. jablereformas@gmail.com


Any person, whether natural or legal, who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities, whether free or for a fee, developed through this website assumes the condition of USER, and as such, through said access, undertakes to observe and rigorously comply with the provisions herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable, thereby obliging him/her to make correct use of the website. The user will be liable to Daniel Cabrera Curbelo or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.


Daniel Cabrera Curbelo reserves the right to unilaterally make the modifications it deems appropriate in its portal, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and the services that are provided through the same, without there being any obligation to give prior notice or inform users of such modifications, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the website of the provider.

The duration of the provision of the portal service is limited to the time when the user is connected to the website or to any of the services it provides. Therefore, the user, each time he/she intends to use the portal, should carefully read this Legal Notice, as the same and its respective conditions of use may be altered at any time. Therefore, the validity of these conditions will vary according to their exposure and will be maintained for as long as they are duly published, until they are replaced by others.


The purpose of these conditions of use and browsing is to regulate the relationship between the owner of the website, Daniel Cabrera Curbelo, as service provider, and the users who access, browse and enjoy the service offered.

Daniel Cabrera Curbelo provides free access to a large amount of information, services and data (hereinafter, “the contents”), whose property belongs to Daniel Cabrera Curbelo or its licensors to which the user may have access.

The user assumes responsibility for the proper use of the portal in accordance with the Law and these conditions, a responsibility that extends to the registration required to access certain services and content provided. Said registration entails the completion of the corresponding form, in which the user guarantees the authenticity and currency of all data provided and undertakes not to provide false, fraudulent or illicit information or documentation. This may result in the creation of a password which the user must keep confidential and diligently. The user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to Daniel Cabrera Curbelo or third parties for the information provided.

The user expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services [for example, chat services, discussion forums, news groups…] that Daniel Cabrera Curbelo offers, in accordance with the provisions of the law, morality, public order and these conditions and, by way of example but not limited to, not to use them for:

  • Disseminate criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, terrorist apology, human rights violations or, in general, contents contrary to the law or public order.
  • Intentionally introducing computer viruses into the network or carrying out actions likely to alter, damage, interrupt or generate errors or damage to the physical and logical systems of Daniel Cabrera Curbelo, creator of the website, or third parties; as well as hindering the access of other users to the website and its services through the massive consumption of computer resources through which Daniel Cabrera Curbelo provides its services.
  • Attempt to access the e-mail accounts of other users or restricted areas of the computer systems of Daniel Cabrera Curbelo or third parties and, where appropriate, extract information.
  • Infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates the secrecy of communications and legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • Impersonating the identity of another user, public administrations or a third party, using their registration codes to access the different services and/or contents of the website.
  • Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or in any other way publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the contents, unless authorised by the owner of the corresponding exploitation rights or it is legally permitted.