We make impossible designs possible

Jable was formed from a single grain of sand, which has gradually multiplied. Our idea is based on responsive and reliable quality service. Our small team is committed, with communication and understanding being the key to our success. As we perform detailed, almost handmade work, we rely on trusted professionals, such as carpenters, metalworkers, painters, decorators and electricians with air conditioning and glasswork technicians.

Realizamos un trabajo multidisciplinar, por lo que también trabajamos mano a mano con personas de los sectores de la arquitectura y la ingeniería.

Our work is multidisciplinary, so we also operate hand in hand with people from the
architecture and engineering sectors.


About us

Our team




The son of a master builder with a background in automotive engineering, Daniel has always operated in two professional worlds: masonry and mechanics. This has given him a wealth of experience and a broad vision for solutions to construction features. In 2020, he embarked on his own path as a contractor specialising in the world of refurbishment.




Yanira was a speech therapist, until one day she decided to devote herself to her other passion. So she studied to be a Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design, specialising in Projects and Management of Decorative Works. Her organised and creative mind enables her to take care of the interior design part of Jable.